ID&T presents AMAZE
ID&T takes the next step and unites 30 years of knowledge in a new immersive experience: AMAZE After 30 years of organizing dance events, ID&T has challenged its creatives and showmakers to shape this new way of going out. AMAZE can be visited from Thursday 2 September onwards at the Elementenstraat in Amsterdam. Over the past few months, festival organization ID&T has worked on a one-hour interactive audiovisual trip in great secrecy, together with various creatives and showmakers. Today, AMAZE opens its doors at the Elementenstraat in Amsterdam. Visitors can experience a ‚journey from head to heart‘, which takes them across seven different environments with a total floor space of…
ID&T Group sees no legal ground to continue current summary proceedings and calls on Dutch government to fully reopen in September
The ‚way out‘ as communicated by the Dutch government has always been the moment that everyone who wants to is fully vaccinated. This would mean that the sector that has been closed down for 1.5 years can be fully opened up again in September Following the OMT advice on events issued last week, the Dutch government announced on August 2 that unplaced events without an overnight stay with more than 750 visitors will not be permitted until September 1, based on the current situation regarding the number of COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations. In response, the lawyer assisting ID&T Group contacted the state attorney to request the OMT advice and the…
ID&T c.s. and Dutch government have agreed to explore practical feasibility of events in the foreseeable future
On behalf of the event sector, ID&T c.s., together with the Alliantie van Evenementenbouwers and Fieldlab Evenementen had a first conversation today with the Dutch government about a sustainable future for the Dutch event sector Following the summary proceedings festival organizer ID&T, known for events such as Mysteryland, Milkshake, and Decibel Outdoor, filed against the Dutch government on Friday 9 July 2021, Minister De Jonge made a proposal during the debate the Dutch Parliament held on Wednesday 14 July, to enter a dialogue with the industry. Earlier today, ID&T was one of the parties that joined the conversation with the responsible representatives of the relevant ministers on behalf of the…
ID&T and over 30 other event organizations start summary proceedings against Dutch government
Organizations behind events such as F1 Dutch Grand Prix Zandvoort, DGTL and Don’t Let Daddy Know join as co-plaintiffs in ID&T’s summary proceedings against the Dutch government Following the new COVID measures in the Netherlands, festival organizer ID&T, known for events such as Mysteryland, Sensation, Milkshake and Decibel Outdoor, announced on Friday evening that it will initiate summary proceedings against the Dutch government. Today, ID&T announced that over 30 other parties, including the organizers behind F1 Dutch Grand Prix Zandvoort, DGTL and Don’t Let Daddy Know, are joining them as co-plaintiffs. After lifting a big part of the restrictions on events, cultural venues, and audiences at professional sports competitions…