Techno-Powerhouse Reinier Zonneveld und die Rave-Legenden SCOOTER mit allererster Collabo: Mom Was On Tequila!
Das Techno-Powerhouse Reinier Zonneveld und die deutschen Rave-Legenden SCOOTER haben sich zusammengetan, um mit ihrer High-BPM-Hymne „Mom Was On Tequila“ die Tanzfläche in Brand zu setzen. Dieser Track ist ein purer Adrenalinkick, vollgepackt mit unaufhaltsamer Rave-Energie, die die Menge garantiert nach mehr verlangen lässt. „Mom Was On Tequila“ schafft ein elektrisierendes Erlebnis, wenn Reinier Zonnevelds Killer-Techno-Beats und innovative Produktionsfähigkeiten auf SCOOTERs kultige Happy-Hardcore-Vibes und einprägsame Lyrics treffen. Der dynamische Track überzeugt mit kraftvollen Beats und energiegeladenen Rhythmen, sodass der Hörer in den Vibe eines authentischen Raves der 90er Jahre zurückversetzt wird – ein Gefühl, das durch H.P. Baxxters unverwechselbare Stimme noch verstärkt wird. HIER REINHÖREN SCOOTER –…
Reinier Zonneveld Debuts His AI Live Music Project At Brand New R² Festival
The World’s first Live AI back2back set between Human and Computer R² Festival will take place at the legendary Spaarnwoude site and will feature stage hostings by Kompass, Amnesia Pyramid, De Marktkantine, STOOR, The Beginning, Filth On Acid, and Unreal, and will see the debut of Reinier Zonneveld’s R² AI live music project Renowned electronic music artist Reinier Zonneveld is set to unveil a revolutionary addition to his live performances at his own upcoming festival, taking place at the iconic location of the Spaarnwoude on August 17th. Zonneveld will be the first artist ever to integrate his specially-crafted AI model, R², into a live electronic music set, promising an experience…
Reinier Zonneveld Takes Over Amsterdam’s Our House Museum for a Special Exhibition and Opening Night Live Set
Our House Museum is excited to announce a groundbreaking takeover by Reinier Zonneveld, the internationally acclaimed DJ and producer and current holder of the Guinness World Record for the longest electronic music live set. The museum will be transformed into an immersive experience celebrating Reinier Zonneveld’s remarkable journey through the electronic music scene, culminating in a special concert opening night on September 13. The special exhibition will run from September 13 up until September 18 and tickets are readily available for purchase via the Our House website. TICKETS Reinier Zonneveld’s unique sound has captivated audiences worldwide, making him a prominent figure in the electronic music industry. This takeover at Our…
Reinier Zonneveld Sets New Guinness World Record for Longest Electronic Music Live Set at Karren Maar Festival
On Saturday, August 5, 2023, techno royalty Reinier Zonneveld made history by setting a new Guinness World Record for the longest electronic music live set. The record-breaking performance took place at the Karren Maar Festival held at the historical Stadsblokken in Arnhem, the Netherlands. Reinier Zonneveld astounded the crowd with an extraordinary 11-hour and 11-minute solo live set, starting at 12:49 pm and ending at precisely 00:00 am. Known for his intricate live performances and prowess with analog synths and a cutting-edge on-stage setup, Reinier Zonneveld has used his method of composing as he plays as well as a great selection of his new music to deliver his most ambitious and unforgettable…